Preview release

Hello Community,
The time has finally come for our first actual official preview release, but before you grab your slingshots and skateboards, please hold on and listen!

For the last few days we've been working on making Bully-MP as stable as possible, which also means that we had to remove some unfinished features (for now at least). This release is supposed to be a preview for all of you people who have been waiting sooo long for this mod to be released! This also means that nearly everything is subject to inevitable change, this also includes our scripting API. While the current release is in no way near finished, it should be stable enough for you to have some fun with. Unstable, but fun nonetheless.

So... Why release this "preview version" now?
We are currently releasing this "immature" version of Bully-MP to give you guys something in return for eagerly waiting for nearly 4 years. This is basically something that you can actually play, instead of staring at a bunch of fancy promotional screenshots. This release will also allow us to push out update after update, whether those updates are major or almost barely noticeable. This is a very good thing for both us and you, the community because it means that you can help us decide how this mod will develop down the road!

We're looking forward to meeting you all in-game, and we hope that you'll have lots of fun.
- Bully Multiplayer Team


Windows server

Not available yet..

Linux server

Not available yet..